Art / Design / Creative Living
I joined Makoto Taiko in February 2019 after a friend of mine who was a member showed me a video of her performing. I was mesmerized the moment I saw it and came to an open session. Taiko has brought me discipline, connection, and a sense of being grounded. What I didn’t expect was a wonderful community, bonds with others, and amazing new friendships. Through skilled instructors, the spectacle of performance, and all of us working together, Makoto Taiko has been an enriching experience.
Me with the Origins Group
Makoto Taiko seeks to unite people of all backgrounds in our local and global communities by preserving and sharing the spirit of Japanese taiko drumming through performances, classes, and other charitable and educational activities.
The Makoto Taiko ensemble centers its performance around traditional Japanese taiko drums. The Pasadena-based community group was established in 1999 and has grown to include eighty members. Through precisely articulated rhythm and movements, Makoto Taiko’s drumming provides a spiritually powerful experience that, despite its Japanese origin, transcends cultures. Makoto Taiko’s mission is to unite people of all backgrounds in our local and global communities by preserving and sharing the spirit of Japanese taiko drumming through performances, classes, and other charitable and educational activities. The literal translation of “MAKOTO” is “pure drum sound.” Additionally, its meaning can be interpreted as a state in which one’s actions are fully aligned with his/her thoughts and ideals. This is a discipline requiring sincerity, honesty, altruism, and integrity. Each performer strives to elevate his/her own spirituality along with that of each person in attendance by drumming with a sense of “MAKOTO.”